I’m going to put it out there because it’s true. I want to write a novel. I have tons of ideas written down on note pads for stories and characters, but never really get beyond that step. I’d love to write something like Palahniuk. If worse comes to worse, I had an idea for a […]
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Tags: Heinz Field, ideas, localeyes.com, localize.com, love, music, pittsburgh, pittsburgh.localeyes.com
I want to own an island. Pure and simple. I want to own my own land to do whatever I want with it. I remember watching TV one day, I think it was RealTV, and some guy in Australia had tied 2 liter bottles and milk jugs and such together for a series of time […]
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Tags: Australia, love, Monongahela River
I’m a fan of large landscaping. I just went to Phipps conservatory and there are these huge leaved palm trees that are about 7 feet high and they’re totally awesome. I’m not sure on whether i want the the house to be tucked away secretly in the woods or just have a big clearing in […]
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Tags: even energy, house, love, Phipps conservatory, Work
3 January, 2008 (15:07) | News |
http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08003/846452-100.stm?cmpid=news.xml Looking good! Hill district getting a grocery store, developing the YMCA, and probably a bunch of good jobs reserved for residents. This will really help with the new housing assitance law that passed Jan 1st. People who have no jobs or income were paying $25 for rent at some places, but come 2008, they […]
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Tags: assitance law, Crawford square, hill district, house, love, money, music, people, Work
I want a really long black top drive way. I think i’d like the house to be back in the woods a little bit, but I always loved houses that sit far from the road ominously. Not too much of a wind in the road, but maybe an S shape to it. Something that kids […]
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Tags: basketball, game, house, love
I’ve said that so much. I simply am not designed for this world. I don’t fit in. I’m not speaking in emo terms here, we’ve got the facts and we’re voting yes, to borrow a phrase from Death Cab for Cutie. I enjoy things that people do not. I do not enjoy things that people […]
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Tags: love, people
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