I’ve been busy, alright!!? let’s break it down…. Work – the office 2003 project is rolling well. I don’t think i’ve messed up yet, so i think people are impressed or at least liking my work so far. I’m also helping out on an unrelated project just for this weekend, flying to philly to help […]
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Tags: birthday, Deirdre, Florida, home, Jordan, Jordan Otto, love, Marsh, music, people, philly, play, school, song, Work, wtf
19 February, 2007 (03:55) | Top 10 |
May catch some heat for this one, but, here goes… Smoke. Swear or use vulgar language be indecisive about what she wants for herself be indecisive about what she wants from you Have guys as her prime source of friendship get drunk (assuming you’re completely sober) attract attention in public for being loud, rude, drunk […]
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Tags: author, emotion, love
Comments: 4, 7,033 views
“…I’m looking at you and I just….your face is so beautiful I just wanna smash it, just smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it…you’re so pretty.” – Barry (Adam Sandler) in Punch Drunk Love.
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Tags: Adam, Adam Sandler, love
Comments: 2, 3,534 views
ahhh, back to the josh hall we all know and love. here i am, depressed, alone, unmotivated, introverted, and not eating, only this time, i’m already 20 pounds ahead of the game. i lack direction, i lack support, i lack guidance, i lack interaction, i lack life. i watched a movie called palindromes today, and […]
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Tags: family, friends, game, happy, love, movie, people
Threw up last night at 2am. Havent thrown up since i was like 12. so i stayed home from work today. Dunno what’s going on with my body. It might be the weight loss thing. this morning i woke up and weighed myself, and i was 192. at the beginning of the year, i was […]
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Tags: head, home, house, love, manager, movie, national guard, new orleans, school, Work
Nearing the end of august, and i’ve got a lot on my plate. Big surprise there. Majorly back-logged with code work needed in the dragon game. It certainly isn’t a burden though. I find the game extremely rewarding. Having som many interesting people, from all over the world playing, seeing how they all interact, being […]
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Tags: bank, blah, Chris, code, dad, Deirdre, game, home, house, Keren, love, Maryland, mom, money, Penn, people, play, school, teacher, Work