Here’s a though. Divorce. I never really thought much about it until last night as i was waiting for Adrienne to hurl… A guy and a girl fall in love. They think they are perfect for each other, and they marry and have kids. Somewhere along the way, the realize they were wrong. That either, […]
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Tags: chemical makeup, love
Comments: 1, 2,547 views
What a drag this weekend was. Drew bailed, said it was too far to drive. So i didn’t even bother calling bob. I had invited Keren and Deirdre in to go to a concert on campus where soulpatch was playing, and they ended up going to Robinson Mall to look for dresses with my mom […]
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Tags: Adrienne, birthday, Chris, code, Deirdre, friends, game, Jay-Z, Keren, love, mom, people, Robinson Mall
“It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, it takes an hour to like someone, it takes a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.” – From Josh R’s AIM profile
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Tags: love
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I put up a jokes section, feel free to add all the jokes you can think of. I would love to have a huge database of jokes! Don’t mind the quantum star link for those who aren’t playing. it just saves the people who are playing some time and hassle from logging in just to […]
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Tags: game, love, people, PHP
Kathy got me all exited about waking life again. So will share with you a few things from the official site. There is a dream oracle (quiz) you can take there to analyze your dreams. Here, you can learn on how to be awake in your dreams. Personally, i found out how to do this […]
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Tags: basketball, Chris, dreams, family, home, house, ideas, love, mom, money, movie, thoughts
We ended up meeting with the Roselius family yesterday, even though both of us were short a few siblings, and we weren’t all together for that long, it was still a good time, and openned the door for more events and get togethers in the future. Touchtown is getting pretty busy. I am getting 2 […]
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Tags: Chad, christ, family, ISP, love, people, Scott, Touchtown
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