I like showers. I like gadgets. Put them together, and you have an extreme shower. It’s probably a little spacey for me honestly, maybe i’d just put it in the guest bathroom. http://www.aquapeutics.com/test/u6810b.html
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Tags: love
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24 February, 2009 (15:16) | Dreams |
Last night I had a dream i was asked to speak infront of my old college ministry group, Cornerstone. I have no idea why they chose me, but it was my present day self talking to what I would assume to be current students. I got up and was so energetic and excited to talk to everyone. I […]
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Tags: bible, college ministry, Cornerstone, God, love, ministry, school
Comments: 2, 2,911 views
With every week that goes by, I get so excited to see what Pittsburgh is going to look like in 2 years, or in 5 years, or even in 10 years. There’s just so much going on, and I love to think about where my house is situated in all of it. Point Park University […]
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Tags: Consol Energy, Consol Energy Arena, family, Honus Wagner, house, love, Oakland, Park University, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Point Park University, school, steel frames, the Forbes
Heaven. That’s the only word I can use to describe Jay Walker’s (the brilliant brain/entrepreneur behind priceline.com) library. I love it. Every aspect of it. The personalization, the M. C. Escher floors, the lighting, the collection, everything. It’s perfect. http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/16-10/ff_walker?currentPage=all
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Tags: brilliant brain/entrepreneur, Jay Walker, love, people
Contrary to what you may believe, I enjoy privacy. I’d love to have every room in the house completely sound proof. ESPECIALLY the bathrooms. I would like to think I’ll have people over often, and I hate feeling like someone is going to hear me in the bathroom. along with the bathrooms, I’d like to have […]
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Tags: house, love, people
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Some text is clearly written. We consider this normal and expected. If I wRiTe In AlTeRnAtInG-cApS oN a ReSuMe, It WiLl MoSt LiKeLy Be ReJeCtEd. Some text we italicize to whisper quietly, but words never make a sound. Underlining words makes sure what we’ve written is found. When Jesus spoke, he apparently spoke in red. […]
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Tags: easter, family, happy, Jesus, love, people, sad