I’ve always complained about how I’m not made for this world and how they stop making things that I really appreciate like the certs mints, ice cream, etc. Last week I went shopping for a wallet because my current one is falling apart. My wallet is just about perfect, and I would say that here are the […]
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Tags: happy, Kallie, love, remote car unlocker thing-a-ma-bob, swiss army
If there’s one thing that I hate most, it’s when people tell me things have to be a certain way, "just because." This post is not directed at any 1 person, but at 1 particular thought. When someone says that gift cards are cheating or call me lazy for giving gift cards, what they are not […]
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Tags: Christmas, love, money, people, thoughts, travel, Work
Comments: 4, 2,868 views
heh, just browsing through the old posts on my blog and found this: http://www.sixf00t4.com/article480.html Pretty funny considering the timing and my recent thoughts on turning 26. I don’t remember writing that post at all, and that is why I love documenting my life.
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Tags: funny, love, thoughts
31 October, 2008 (16:00) | Top 10 |
From Time Magazine: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,1852747,00.html My favorites: #6 – the svalbard global seed vault: total awesomeness. EVERY plant seed in the world is kept here. "just in case" I LOVE IT. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1852747_1854195_1854118,00.html #16 – The moving tower scuplture thingy: It just further enhances my amazement…ok, LUST to go see Dubai. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1852747_1854195_1854134,00.html #24 – bionic contact lenses: […]
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Tags: Dubai, html, love
Comments: 2, 2,716 views
I have 2 favorite smells. fragrant tobacco from a pipe and concrete. Concrete reminds me of my childhood. Not only was there a lot of concrete pouring going on around the house as I was a kid, but my dad and I used to go watch people make roads. I love that smell. I also, […]
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Tags: dad, house, love, people, play
This weekend I picked up fable 2. I was a fan of the first game and I’ve waiting anxiously for this release since it was pushed back so much. I played it all consumingly this weekend, as i do with most video games I get into. I beat it sunday night, and what I found […]
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Tags: birthday, game, happy, love, people, sad
Comments: 2, 2,852 views