Here’s a little trick I learned from a friend. There’s another way to tell how your meat is prepared other than color. Take your hand and touch your index to your thumb. Now feel that meaty part between your thumb and wrist. That’s what rare feels like. Middle to them will make it feel like […]
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Tags: cook, done, feel, food, hint, meat, medium, PINK, pittsburgh, preparation, rare, steak, temperature, tip, trick, well
How important are expiration dates to you? They’re intended to protect consumers from health risks, but also maintain quality of the product. I almost think that not following dates becomes more wasteful of your time since you’re constantly evaluating the quality or the “edible level” rather than just drawing the line and moving on. Efficiency […]
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Tags: approval, bad, best by, dairy, date, decision, eggs, expiration date, expire, expired, fda, food, meat, milk, observation, poll, question, sell by, sick, sour, suggestion, use by
Today, we’re going to talk about tri-tip. It’s a popular cut of steak in the Central California area. It was originally prepared with “Santa Maria Seasoning” (of Santa Maria, Ca), but it’s basically just a great streak to use on grills. The popular use now is in a tri-tip sandwich covered in barbecue sauce. Kallie […]
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Tags: California, coast, cut, firestone, food, Kallie, meat, San Luis Obispo, slo, steak, tip, tip steak cow
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Is it rude to cut steak all up before you eat it?
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Tags: before, cut, cutting, dinner, eating, etiquette, meat, proper, respect, rude, steak
Comments: 6, 1,882 views
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