Starting Monday, the SEA is free to demolish the old Mellon Arena. I guess it’s more like taking it apart piece by piece. They have to remove all the tiles from the roof to get to the asbestos first. I bet it’s going to look pretty gnarly for a while.
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Tags: Centre Avenue, civic arena, hill district, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh
Here’s a cool overlay of the Mellon Arena / Civic Arena site and what it used to look like.
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Tags: Centre Avenue, city living, civic arena, hill district, history, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh, revitalization
Carnegie Mellon architecture students put together a huge study an redesign of Pittsburgh’s urban landscaping and planning. One idea included a ski lift like cable car that would go from the top of the civic arena area down to the David Lawrence Convention center (page 103 of the report). Some other ideas included a water […]
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Tags: civic arena, cmu, college, convention center, downtown, idea, igloo, Mellon Arena, park, pittsburgh, plan, project, student, study, ura
Here’s an awesome time lapse video of the new consol energy arena from start to finish!
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Tags: Centre Avenue, consol energy center, hill district, Mellon Arena, penguins, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins
Here’s an update on some Hill District projects: YMCA: This is going in 2 blocks from my house on Centre Avenue. It is currently slated for an early 2012 completion. Should be awesome to have an indoor basketball court and pool so close! Also, it’ll be one of the city’s largest green certified buildings. Post-Gazette […]
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Tags: basketball, Centre Avenue, certified, civic arena, Connelley, Consol Energy, consol energy center, duquesne, green, hill, hill district, Hill House Association, home, house, leed, Mellon Arena, money, One Hill Coalition, paul mccartney, penguins, pharmacy, PHP, Pitt, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Green Innovators, school, shop 'n save, washington, Work, ymca
10 June, 2009 (16:58) | Top 10 |
Reposted from my friend, Neil: *Top ten things Pittsburghers should do to celebrate if the Pens win the Stanley Cup* 10. Flip over Mellon Arena’s dome and put it on top of PPG Place to make the biggest, shiniest Stanley Cup ever 9. Load people dressed in penguin costumes into Giant Eagle shopping carts and […]
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Tags: Australia, dad, house, Mellon Arena, mom, Neil, people, Sidney Crosby, Stanley Cup, Stanley Cups