My senior year in high school, I was dunking. My hands were too small to palm a basketball firmly enough, so I had to build up the ability to get high enough for both hands to be above the rim. Let me step back a bit. We had a new coach my senior year. I […]
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Tags: above the rim, air, basketball, Charleroi, coach, dunk, foul, high school, jam, jump, Laurel Business Institute, loss, memories, memory, slam, technical, ups, violation
9 September, 2011 (12:00) | Dreams |
I’m starting to question memory in dreams. In some of my more recent dreams, the feeling of being familiar with the dream happens. Does this mean that I really did dream about that dream before, or is it all part of the fantasy and illusions in dreams? Recently, I’ve had dreams that I’m in a […]
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Tags: Alzheimer, dance, dream, dreams, fake, high school, lucid, memories, memory, musical, past, performance, play, real, remember, vivid
It’s been a while since I’ve put up a post in the "memories" category. I was thinking about times I’ve almost died. There aren’t many, I think, but still something worth sharing. When I was in high school, I dug up my Uncle Jay’s 250 watt 15" Pevey bass amp from my dad’s barn. The funny thing about […]
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Tags: dad, funny, memories, metal chair, PHP, school, Work
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This post is classified under "memories" for those facebook readers that don’t see categories. I wanted to write down my memory of the day I found out my brother had passed. Mom – be warned. Caleb and I slept in what would be called "Uncle Jay’s" room together when we lived at my Grandma’s house. […]
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Tags: dad, home, house, Jim Henson, memories, mom, people, Queen, school, song
As I walk down Memory Lane, The past runs like a river behind me. Over the cliff, down the steep hill, Trees protect us from falling back down. They block the clear view of the river, As mental scars block the pain of memories. If we descend down the cliff of time passed, And lose […]
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Tags: memories, plinko chip, valley Foolishly
I’ll be the first to say I didn’t have much of a childhood. When I should have been loud and curious, I was getting yelled at for talking while Daddy was working. When I should have been out exploring the woods, I was packing my bags for the custody schedule change. When I should have […]
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Tags: car riding, dad, Dean Roberts, house, Kenny, Matthew, memories, Nintendo, people, play