Do you know what TED Talks are? TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, but the topics that are covered in these talks are much broader and deeper than that. Some of the most respected minds in the world take time to give a lecture on their expertise. I know, I said the “L” word. […]
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Tags: design, entertainment, intelligent, lecture, love, Mike, people, smart, technology, TED, ted talks
Comments: 2, 1,681 views
It’s been a while since I posted a personal update. Things in married life go well. New job goes well. Thinking about going back to school in the fall. That might be the level of detail you get in the updates going forward…not really sure. I don’t really want to write about my life with […]
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Tags: Atonement, bible, Billy Talent, Blade Runner, Cheyne Stoking, christ, church, Dead Man Shoes, dreams, easter, Everclear, friends, funny, God, Heinz Hall, home, house, internet meme, J. Alfred Prufrock, Kallie, Keren, love, Michael Jackson, Mike, mom, movie, Nova Scotia, people, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Symphony, poem, President of the United States of America, sad, school, sleep, song, Soul Coughing, Sparkle and Fade, travel, United States of America, Waking Life, War of the Worlds
Really, I have to give it up to my body for the past month or so. It’s been through a lot, especially in the past week! I have poison all over my legs, probably have some sort of sinus infection following a cold a week ago, and I’ve added a weight routine inbetween days of […]
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Tags: 4th of july, California, Chris, Deirdre, God, Mike, mom, money, music, play, serah, sing, soccer, song, Work, yankanuck
Tags: Mike, Mike Lang, movie
April fool’s came and went yesterday. I didn’t do a single joke or prank. eh, next year. Rachel and I went to DC to hang out with Serah and Mike. Had a great time. We saw Mount Vernon saturday, then spent some time at the Mall for the cherry blossom festival, then just chilled out […]
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Tags: home, Italy, London, Mike, mom, money, Mount Vernon, rubber, serah, Work,
so thanksgiving come and gone, since i had to work (not a UK holiday) i drove home for dinner quickly and had to head off to work shortly after. They were slow nights, so i didnt mind. Friday, another first for 2006, I got sick as a result of drinking WAY too much. After all […]
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Tags: Deirdre, home, Mike, school, Work