well, i got the AC job. Barb hooked me up with Mellon though, I am hoping to get an interview with them next week sometime. I talked with AC, and they said they are fine with me trying to get the mellon thing before taking the job. Jimmie’s Chicken Shack doesn’t have an email mailing […]
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Tags: Jimmie's Chicken Shack, jimmieschickenshack.net, Mike, money, Work
Comments: 2, 2,886 views
i had this idea specifically with maria carey, thinking about her pointless existence, and how she could contribute to society, and this is what i came up with, that can be applied to anyone. set up a small stage and a table in a big city. Have someone at the table take donations 24/7 and […]
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Tags: jerry seinfeld, mariah carey, money, people, play, sing
ok, this is something i have been tossing back and forth, and trying to find holes in the idea. I think the government should have to function as a business. They should have to work for a profit, and if they fail to succeed, new management needs to step in. Taxes are already a form […]
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Tags: CEO, create, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, money, people, president, superlative president, Work
What a weekend! loaded full of activity. I even ended up taking a nap! i hate naps! The day started with J’aime and Dan picking me up and we went to see Van Helsing. Not terrible. It was over 2 hours long, I think they should have split it into 2 movies. Overall, it wasn’t […]
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Tags: Adam, church, Deirdre, food, home, house, Keren, may day, mom, money, National Basketball Association, people, sleep, Van Helsing, waitress, Work
seriously. WTF? I just don’t get it. In this day of technology, why aren’t taxes obsolete? just friggin take the money out of my paychecks and be done with it. YOU take care of it Mr. Man. don’t try and make it easier for my with this teletax, or e-file.com garbage. because that is what […]
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Tags: create, Man, money, people, printing costs, school, WHY AM, Work, wtf
So this weekend was killer. just not killer enough. and you can take that either way. I just don’t get it sometimes. “It” being how we are are supposed to live. It all just seems so pointless. Why do i have to work? why do i have to go to school? why do i need […]
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Tags: Deirdre, geek, happy, house, mom, money, people, school, Work
Comments: 2, 2,456 views
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