This goal is certainly not very likely to happen, but the idea of it really appeals to me. If I was ever capable of making a large donation to a university or institution, I’d love them to name the building “Josh Hall”.
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Tags: building, buildings, donation, egocentric, legacy, love, money, names, philanthropy
Here’s an update on some Hill District projects: YMCA: This is going in 2 blocks from my house on Centre Avenue. It is currently slated for an early 2012 completion. Should be awesome to have an indoor basketball court and pool so close! Also, it’ll be one of the city’s largest green certified buildings. Post-Gazette […]
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Tags: basketball, Centre Avenue, certified, civic arena, Connelley, Consol Energy, consol energy center, duquesne, green, hill, hill district, Hill House Association, home, house, leed, Mellon Arena, money, One Hill Coalition, paul mccartney, penguins, pharmacy, PHP, Pitt, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Green Innovators, school, shop 'n save, washington, Work, ymca
Pardon the political post. United States of America. My arse. I am terrified about the Health Care Reform billed being passed this past Sunday. I’m not terrified about the unknown long-term impacts or affects, or even the reconciliation package that is outstanding. What I’m most scared about is that NOT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN voted for it. There […]
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Tags: George Washington, Jesse Ventura, King, money, people, Public Administration, representative, United States of America, washington
1 February, 2010 (12:38) | Top 10 |
For some reason, CNN only posted 9 rip-offs, so we have to come up with the 10th on our own…
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Tags: America, CNN, money, ripoff
Had this idea on our honeymoon to chichen itza. You used to be able to climb up the pyramids, but since 2005, after someone fell down them and died, they have been closed off. I wanted nothing more that day to go up those steps. There’s even a doorway at the foot of the pyramid […]
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Tags: Blue Jacket Members club, broker, free advertising, money
Had a dream about a video game last night. It was a free roam world, 3rd person, kind of like the game Black & White. All the characters were animals and you had to interact with them to learn "concepts" like trading, communication, hiring, etc to get things done. The point was just to create […]
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Tags: create, game, George Orwell, happy, money, Work
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