Tag: money

Phrustrated in Philly – A good mechanic is worth their weight in gold.

17 September, 2008 (15:48) | Ramblings

So, here’s the story of what I’ve been going through with my truck.  I don’t consider this a closed issue until it’s back in my possession safe and sound. Friday night my truck was making a weird whistling noise as I headed out to Philly to spend the weekend with Kallie and bring back her […]

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Dreams of Californication

27 July, 2008 (22:35) | Personal Update

Alright, first things first.  I ran my first ever 5k on Saturday.  I finished in pretty much 30 minutes flat.  I crossed the line at ~30:09 and I was in the back of the starting line, so take some time to cross the line.  It was on mount washington’s grandview drive, and then part of […]

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No more Majestic Star Casino

18 July, 2008 (12:36) | Pittsburgh

Surprise, Surprise, Don Barden doesn’t have the money to finish the casino as planned, so he’s sold off 75% ownership to some dude in Chicago.  That means that the Majestic Star will most likely be called something else.  There’s all kind of hooting and hollering going on, some saying that it’s a bait and switch, […]

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Top 10 reasons to date a geek

16 July, 2008 (13:29) | Top 10

There’s a bunch of lists out there, and I’m sure you’ve heard how geeks are great lovers, but I think I have a few things to add to the list.  Geeks are great. 10.  Getting to know a geek is easy – just google their name…or sometimes, their alias…or aliases.  You can find pictures, blogs, […]

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Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor.

12 July, 2008 (22:57) | Personal Update

Really, I have to give it up to my body for the past month or so.  It’s been through a lot, especially in the past week!  I have poison all over my legs, probably have some sort of sinus infection following a cold a week ago, and I’ve added a weight routine inbetween days of […]

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A question of morals: Should I be the enabler?

7 July, 2008 (13:58) | Thoughts & Ideas

So the lot across from your house is over grown with weeds and you decide to clean it up.  You get out your tools and get to work.  A few minutes later, a guy walks by and starts to talk to you by saying things like, "So you got tired of it looking bad?" and […]

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