What motivates you at work? Are you never happy unless you get more money? Do you just want to have freedom to set your own workload and deadlines? Or is it the opposite in that the more your accomplish tasks, the more you’re happy to work?
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Tags: corporate whore, happy, HR, job, money, more, motivation, organizational studies, satisfaction, slave, why, Work
Weren’t you able to buy stamps at ATMs before? I can’t remember the last time I saw this. I’m all for making the MAC machine a more convenient stop, like having the choice to get a stick or a pack of gum for an additional charge.
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Tags: machine, more, time
Comments: 2, 2,401 views
"An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex." – Aldous Huxley
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Tags: interesting, more
Comments: 2, 2,516 views
New songs are up! myspace.com/joshuadavidhall
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Tags: more, songs
2 April, 2004 (02:43) | News |
The girl never ceases to amaze me. She, once again, brought a finger eleven show to me. They are coming to x-fest. and so is switchfoot. many more to be announced. i bought 4 tickets. so i will see them there and rolling rock town fair. matchbook romance is coming to Mr smalls too. lots […]
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Tags: Adrienne, am, COMING, Finger Eleven, girl, great, more, rock, show, thanks, will
Comments: 2, 2,737 views
ok, Quantum Star is now fully functional. You can buy, trade, sell space ships, mine for fuel and metal, attack other players, defend your planet, and lots more! Legend of the Green Dragon has a few more mods added to it too.
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Tags: green, more, Quantum, space
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