Looks like the Hill’s grocery store is finally financially stable enough to move forward and be completed by late spring or early summer, but we’ve been told that before. Also in the article is an announcement for new apartments and retail 1 block away from me. Good news! – http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/funding-secured-for-hill-district-shop-n-save-660928/ If you are curious what […]
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Tags: bedford, centre ave, city, development, hill district, master plan, mountain, penguins, pittsburgh, residential, view
How much surface area would it take to create the tallest mountain manually? I think this would be a good task for some place in Colorado, since they’re already so elevated. You could build this mountain and design it to have a wide road that wraps around it, and depending how long it turns out […]
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Tags: creation, denver, depth, dirt, elevation, everest, hill colorado, idea, mountain, road, thought, tower of babel, truck