22 December, 2017 (00:07) | Reviews |
I just finished watching Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond. I think a lot of people won’t care to watch it. I thought it was wonderful. I just started the 4th sentence of this review beginning with “I”, and I think that’s fitting in the context of this movie. What is an artist? Someone who […]
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Tags: andy kaufmann, art, ARTIST, Jim Carrey, man on the moon, movie, review, tony clifton, vulnerability
Fellow Steel City LUG member, Greg, pointed on a contest for classic movie vignettes on a 16 x 16 base plate using a collectible minifig. He did a great version of Tangled, but realized it wasn’t a classic movie. I jumped in with E.T., after googling what movies were released in my birth year. I […]
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Tags: contest, E.T., et, LEGO, movie, steel city lug, vignette
31 August, 2012 (12:00) | Dreams |
I had a dream where I was in a weird sci-fi building made up of a whole bunch of rooms linked together. The rooms were about 8 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and about 20 feet long, but the corners were all rounded, much more like a stretched out bubble. Everything was like a dark […]
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Tags: chase, dreams, followed, movie, scifi, secret, spy, time travel
I’m not looking to be famous, but I want a story to tell. Not even a story for me to tell, but for my great grandchildren or something. I’d love to be an extra in a movie or have my name in the liner notes of a popular CD. Just something very subtle, but when […]
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Tags: background, cd, grand children, history, legacy, movie, name, notice, Thank you
Awesome. First off, as an action/super-hero movie, it has everything. It could have done a little more mutant fighting and special powers, but over all it was nice because it wasn’t over the top. Not much CGI (and the bits that exist are very well done) so it’s believable. No MAJOR plot holes, logic fails, […]
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Tags: comic, magneto, marvel, movie, movies, professor x, review, sentinels, stan lee, theater, theatre, wolverine, x-men, xmen
LEGO is a very popular medium for stop motion videos. LEGO even makes their own cameras and software for content editing. Here’s one of the more popular music videos with LEGO:
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Tags: diy, home made, LEGO, movie, stop motion, vid, video, youtube