The Pittsburgh Penguins’ slogan this season is "defy ordinary". Might not be all that great of a sports team promotion, but this little video they put together is a pretty good ad for Pittsburgh life in general. CMU, Andy Warhol, South Side Works, Consol Energy Center, and a bunch of other key landmarks are highlighted. […]
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Tags: Andy Warhol, Consol Energy, movie, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins
It’s been a while since I posted a personal update. Things in married life go well. New job goes well. Thinking about going back to school in the fall. That might be the level of detail you get in the updates going forward…not really sure. I don’t really want to write about my life with […]
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Tags: Atonement, bible, Billy Talent, Blade Runner, Cheyne Stoking, christ, church, Dead Man Shoes, dreams, easter, Everclear, friends, funny, God, Heinz Hall, home, house, internet meme, J. Alfred Prufrock, Kallie, Keren, love, Michael Jackson, Mike, mom, movie, Nova Scotia, people, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Symphony, poem, President of the United States of America, sad, school, sleep, song, Soul Coughing, Sparkle and Fade, travel, United States of America, Waking Life, War of the Worlds
When the most beautiful words I never spoke, Are at the tip of my tongue and then I choke On the possibility that you might respond, And then we’ll meet, and I’ll grow fond Of the way your hair slowly covers your eye. Or the way your hand gently brushes mine. Or how the blood […]
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Tags: blue eyes, dream, dreams, family, girl, love, movie, movies, people, poem, sleep, words
In a world where everything is consumer driven and made for a 24/7 commercial world, we’ve seen on demand movie rentals, personal television recorders, skipping commercials, and even regular content available for free on the internet. We’re perpetually tailoring services to meet the demand of a growing need for customization. Recently, a bunch of my […]
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Tags: friends, home, movie, people, play
In follow up to my previous posts about wanting to collect dirt from around the country in small jars and display them…It looks like the Natural History Museum in Washington, DC has already done that in their soil exhibit. Kind of ruins it for me now…not so sure this one is still on my list […]
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Tags: DC, movie, Natural History Museum, washington
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