When I was a kid I played baseball at a field that was on the same street as my grandfather’s (Pappap’s) house, but a good mile down the road, and across a pretty heavily trafficked intersection. Let me back up a little bit. You have to know a little bit about Pappap. I’m sure my […]
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Tags: baseball, CNN, coffee, dad, grandparent., kid, lou, mathews, miner, mom, morning, news, pappap, uncle jay
Looks like I get to cross off something from my 30×30 sooner than I expected. She’s due April 12th. I felt this was appropriate. People on Yahoo! answers are stupid. How is babby formed?
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Tags: 30 x 30, 30x30, april, babby, baby, family, fatherhood, formed, goals, Kallie, news, plan, pregnant, thirty by thirty, Yahoo
The hill district has the first-in-the-nation off-campus university-run community pharmacy! If you remember back with all the grocery store talks, Kuhn’s was supposed to build a full service store with a pharmacy in it, but now that they backed up, Duquesnse University stepped up and built one. I’m excited to see the relationship with the […]
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Tags: community, duquesne, grocery, hill district, news, pharmacy, pittsburgh
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