you should always be a contributing member of society. not for what you will leave behind, but for what you will enable others to do. Non Nobis Solum, the Latin motto for “Not for ourselves alone” means that “it’s not for me, it’s for everyone.” You’re life is to be lived giving from your gifts […]
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Tags: community, contribute, life, Non nobis solum, partnership, people, share, society, team work, together, Work
human knowledge belongs to the world. You’re ridiculous if you claim your knowledge is your own. There is so much that contributes to your knowledge that you’re taking for granted. Also, if you keep your knowledge to yourself, you’re also preventing someone else from doing something else with it. Maybe even making it better.
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Tags: creation, entrepreneur, fight club, free, human, intellectual property, knowledge, member, Non nobis solum, open source, original, patent, share, thought, will