I’ve only ever seen 1 guy ever do it at work. I don’t think he was American. I’ll admit, I have a toothbrush and toothpaste at work. I’ll also admit that I’ve never used it. It’s there in case I know I have some bad breath and need to take care of it. Logically, it […]
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Tags: bathroom, brush, hygeine, normal, plaque, public, teeth, Work
How do you feel about thank you cards? We’ve certainly started to use technology in a lot of new ways, but thank you cards are still the same old tradition that our grandmother’s did when they were our age. Is that a good thing?
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Tags: archaic, card, culture, customary, expectations, gift, hand written, normal, peer pressure, poll, postage, question, stamps, stress, technology, Thank you, thank you card, thanks, wedding
Modeling isn’t a career. Neither is DJ’ing. I’m sure you can think of a bunch of others that fall into this category. By definition, “career” means “an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed by one’s life work.” There’s a reason for the existence of the expression “don’t quit your day job.” Ultimately, […]
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Tags: band, career, DJ, dream, job, mature, model, musician, normal, party, play, responsibility, society, success, waiter, waitress, Work
Spurred from Hall’s Rule of Social Order #103. The Ramones did it. Tom Delonge did it. Some fans say it’s like wearing uniforms in sports. Some fans think’s it silly that you can wear a sport jersey to a game, but you can’t wear a band’s tshirt to their concert. Maybe it’s a point of […]
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Tags: acceptable, clothes, concert, etiquette, fashion, game, indie, music, normal, PCU, ramones, social behavior, t-shirt, tee, tour, tshirt
Do your best to avoid creating problems for yourself and your offspring. IE: if you chose a name for them that is in any way entertaining, that’s setting them up to be taunted. They’re name should be easy to pronounce correctly (phonetics works). I knew someone named Parker Brothers, Chris Cross, and Secretia. Those are […]
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Tags: awkward, family, frustrating, grammar, kids, names, nomenclature, normal, rules, silly, social order, spelling
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