Splitting the check evenly should only be attempted for socially close indivuals in numbers 4 or less. It’s just a mess otherwise. Someone is going to short change the group. Someone is going to order more food than everyone else. You’re going to come up short and 1 person is going to end up paying […]
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Tags: bill, dinner, eating out, etiquette, even, food, group, money, numbers, odd, pay, rules, social, split, tip
what’s up with the number 13? just because the elevator in most hotels doesn’t have a 13 button, desn’t mean that there isn’t a 13th floor. Seriously, is that really necessary?? I could see it being a cute little joke in vegas, but when i stay in a sheraton in cleveland, there’s no need to […]
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Tags: baker's dozen, cent, cleveland, fear, las vegas, number, numbers, people, silly, superstition, vegas, wtf
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