got the call from walmart saturday and so i went and picked up my 2 60gb playstations. probably post them on ebay this thursday, just in time for some last minute christmas rushers. I’m slacking on the 1 online class i have…the crappy thing is, not a single grade has been posted, so i have […]
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Tags: Christmas, family, Italy, Keren, online class, sleep, Work
yeah….so remember that house that i wanted to buy a year ago? I put a bid in on it yesterday. I’ll hear monday if i get it or not. It just came back up on the market at the begining of the month. I saw it, and the water damage was not that bad at […]
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Tags: bank, home, house, Keren, online class, people, same professor, school, Work
Comments: 2, 2,831 views
So one of those houses that i was looking at has water damage, and the bank might foreclose on it, which means I could get it on the cheap. I have a realtor looking into it for me. I’m in the mood for a life altering decision. Jordan (who is probably reading this) freaked out […]
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Tags: bank, Canada, charlotte, family, house, Jordan, online class, school, Work
Comments: 8, 2,913 views
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