human knowledge belongs to the world. You’re ridiculous if you claim your knowledge is your own. There is so much that contributes to your knowledge that you’re taking for granted. Also, if you keep your knowledge to yourself, you’re also preventing someone else from doing something else with it. Maybe even making it better.
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Tags: creation, entrepreneur, fight club, free, human, intellectual property, knowledge, member, Non nobis solum, open source, original, patent, share, thought, will
28 June, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
There’s no delete key. There’s a backspace, to remove characters from right to left, but there’s no way to delete characters from left to right. Prices are ridiculous. Especially after they switched to Intel based hardware, prices should have dropped significantly. Their CD/DVD drives sound like death. All of them. WHY?!?!?! RRRRBBBBBRRRRZZZZRAREARE. Every time you […]
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Tags: apple, consumerism, free, gesture, hardware, imac, ipad, ipod, itunes, jobs, mac, macintosh, music, open source, price, product
1 June, 2011 (12:00) | News |
I’ve been away from the game long enough that some of you may not know my involvement in the free online role playing game, Legend of the Green Dragon. This weekend, June 4th (6/4), a bunch of players are getting back on as a sort of reunion, and I thought it might be a good […]
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Tags: character, dragon, free, fun, game, King, legend of the green dragon, mmorpg, online, open source, role playing, RPG, textbased, website
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