21 April, 2011 (12:00) | Dreams |
I had a dream Kallie and I went to California to visit her family. Only, her family was an african american family. She had 2 half brothers and a half sister. Kallie is a halfrican. It was weird. They were throwing a picnic for us, and Kallie hadn’t seen them much, and I didn’t know […]
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Tags: african american, California, dream, family, halfrican, Kallie, michael, mixed, oreo, race
Do you realize how important brand names are? Until I see how often I call items by only 1 of the specific products names, as if it were the general term. I had created a list with friends on what they should actually be called, but some we were stumped because we were just so […]
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Tags: band-aid, brand names, generic, kleenex, names, oreo, products, words