Merry Christmas! Still doesn’t quite feel like Christmas without cold temperatures and some snow or frost. I think there are less public decorations than normal too. I haven’t noticed many street lamp signs or flags or trees or lights. Maybe I just need to get out more. I got to sleep a bunch today. I […]
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Tags: aunt leslie, batman, Christmas, cold, david, family, Kallie, LEGO, paint, uncle jay, video games, weather
, 1,517 views We have skin in a can now. some guy gets 2nd degree burns on a Friday, they scrape some stem cells from him, spray them on his wounds, and he’s all healed up with barely any scars by Monday. It’s like the coolest use of an air spray gun. Reminds me of an old […]
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Tags: airbrush, burn, cell, gun, heal, medical, medicne, paint, research, skin, skin cell gun, spray, stem cell