13 October, 2014 (21:11) | Top 10 |
Have you given your child(ren) the same meal multiple days in a row? Have you ever pretended to be unaware of the dirty diaper of your child(ren) so your spouse has to deal with it? Have you ever been 99.9% that your spouse is pretending to be unaware of the dirty diaper of your child(ren)? […]
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Tags: child, children, fail, food, hard, kids, parenting, sesame street, sleep, stay at home dad, survive
A new category for the blog! I read an interesting article that a dad friend posted – http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/11/more-screen-time-for-kids-who-create-instead-of-watch/ It differentiates between simply consuming entertainment during screen time and actually being creative with screen time. It reminded me about teaching the LEGO classes. The students would love to just be given a pile of bricks and […]
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Tags: civilzation, kids, limits, parenting, screen time, sid meier, simcity, simcity2000, simcity3000, simcity4, simcity5, video games, will wright