I’ve got a bunch of weird emotions going on right now. I don’t want to say “I lost someone today.” That sounds too self-centered. Especially since I haven’t talked to my dad’s friend for almost 10 years. But, how do I explain this feeling of loss? I don’t think he knew how much I revered […]
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Tags: death, friends, grown ups, kids, parents
Cry That is all you know Knees to the floor And away you go Wide eyed Reach out to touch Giggle a little bit You’re impressed by so much Scared Who are these others? Why are we all here Instead of home with our mothers Accepting Fragile, but developing a core Understanding, […]
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Tags: aging, baby, children, cycle, death, grow up, grown up, kids, life, maturity, old, parents
We all grow up, but some of us never leave home. Some of us will always remain close to where we grew up. It’s not a bad thing either way, sometimes it’s born out of necessity. I know a lot of people who moved so far away from home, but they ended up moving back.
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Tags: adventure, city, close, dad, family, holidays, home, independence, life, mom, parents, together, travel, visit
Are there more people alive right now then people that have ever died? What’s your first thought? I want to say that there are more dead people, but I’m not sure how to figure this out, or the best possible way to make an educated guess. According to census.gov, there are 6,812,935,148 people alive today. So […]
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Tags: alive, bodies, census, dead, death, family, multiply, parents, people, thoughts, waste
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