Something is off in the world these days. Stereo-types are being altered. I’m going to ask you to define the profile or person that first comes to mind when I say the word…GRAFFITI. Young, black, male, doesn’t care about himself or others. Somewhat accurate right? and if I do the same for Knitting…grandma. Kind of […]
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Tags: people, pittsburgh, spray paint
If there’s one thing that I hate most, it’s when people tell me things have to be a certain way, "just because." This post is not directed at any 1 person, but at 1 particular thought. When someone says that gift cards are cheating or call me lazy for giving gift cards, what they are not […]
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Tags: Christmas, love, money, people, thoughts, travel, Work
Comments: 4, 2,860 views
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. Those are the 3 Rs that I learned when i was a kid, and I’ve been able to do the first and third pretty easily. There’s always been a lack of a recycling program everywhere else though. Since I’ve moved to the city, I’ve lived in 3 places. Lothrop Hall on Pitt […]
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Tags: At Crawford Square, house, Kallie, Lothrop Hall, people, Pitt campus, pittsburgh
Comments: 2, 2,563 views
This was an idea I’ve had before, and probably many other people, but John Neely brought it up the other day and I thought I’d blog about it. Along my rants of cable and TV, why do we only have 3 options for cable service? Why does everything have to be lumped into packages? We […]
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Tags: BET, home, home shopping network, John Neely, people
Comments: 2, 2,363 views
I’m a moody person. I think I’ve always realized this, but only recently I’m learning how much my moods, and changing of moods shape my life. I don’t know if it’s something I should work to overcome, or something I should learn to accept as part of me…Where is the line that defines the difference between […]
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Tags: church, people, Work
Comments: 4, 2,670 views
Last political blog post, promise. It’s only a few days away, have you prepared yourself? Have you listened to both parties? I am sure there are those that will disagree with me, but I put a lot of weight into how each candidate is campaigning. The debates are huge. Sure, they’ve become skilled question dodgers […]
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Tags: etc, mom, people, Plumber, soccer
Comments: 4, 2,735 views