27 August, 2008 (18:05) | News |
Forget the wheel chair. Let’s move into cyborg territory with a system that can act as an exoskeleton and help you walk! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7582240.stm Awesome stuff. I can’t even begin to imagine the positive effect this will have on people.
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Tags: people, wheel chair
So I’m taking a shower, and I’m doing my Stevie Wonder impression facing the water, and I wonder where I learned that behavior. I mean, I don’t think I was ever told how to take a shower. Sure, we all were washed in the tub growing up, sometimes with others, but when we got old […]
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Tags: people, shower head, sing, Work
16 July, 2008 (08:57) | News |
saw this in my headline reader today. You’d think people would learn to stay away from the reservoir!
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Tags: people
So the lot across from your house is over grown with weeds and you decide to clean it up. You get out your tools and get to work. A few minutes later, a guy walks by and starts to talk to you by saying things like, "So you got tired of it looking bad?" and […]
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Tags: house, money, people, Work
Comments: 2, 2,449 views
Every time i look at my $75 a month cable bill, I wonder why I pay it. I was so happy without cable, and if I lived alone, there would be no cable. I don’t understand why I have to pay so much money for something that gives me commercials. This opens another topic about […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, Comcast, happy, home, manager, money, people, rant, representative, supervisor, wtf
With video cameras getting smaller and smaller, I’d like to see a headband with cameras sewn into it on the front, back, and both sides. This headband would be worn by athletes like in the NBA. It’d be great to get that first person point of view on things like fast breaks or dunks, or […]
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Tags: game, National Basketball Association, NBA, people, player
Comments: 4, 3,007 views