Moved rachel out to cleveland this past weekend. It’s only a 2 hour drive or so, so the distance thing isn’t really bothering me too much at this point. Sure, i don’t get to see her everyday, but they say that distance makes the heart grow stronger…or is it fonder? both? I forget how it […]
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Tags: birthday, cleveland, Deirdre, people, play, Work
Not that I’m all THAT self-conscious about my baldness, but once my receding hairline starts to become a descriptive attribute, I think i’ll be sad. If I ever heard someone say, "Hey, I’m looking for Josh Hall, a tall, bald guy. etc" I’m hoping that people will just be able to go with the tall […]
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Tags: Josh Hall, people, sad
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dryer broke. got it free from jaime last year and cost me ~$120 to get installed and working. Now it will cost me $40 to get a used one off craigslist and another $50 probably to have someone hook it up since it’s gas. After this new one goes though, i’ll hopefully be able to […]
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Tags: money, people, Work
Comments: 2, 3,204 views
this is the most lucid dream i’ve had in a long time. So i’m taking the bus somewhere. The bus actually varies a few times from a 15 passenger van, to a charter bus, but this is a minor detail. The seat layout was consistently like a 15 passenger van, bench seats, isle way on […]
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Tags: bus driver, cellular telephone, driver, family, mom, people, Work
Comments: 2, 3,302 views
Wee! So, Trip is all set now. Leaving pittsburgh may 16th headed for a quick stop in new york then over to rome. Then, first class to london on wednesday may 23rd. Back to rome on the 25th, then back to the states on saturday, the 26th. Work is paying for my room & board […]
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Tags: Carnegie museum, dallas, Deirdre, family, farmer, hill district, Katrina New Orleans, Keren, London, Luke Ravenstaul, Mayor, new york, people, pittsburgh, Propel Pittsburgh Commission, rome, Work
They say New York is the city that never sleeps. There’s always somewhere to go and something to do no matter what time of day (or night) it is. I believe this to be because new york has so many people living in it, and so many people on different work/sleep/life cycles that business and […]
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Tags: movie, new york, people, pittsburgh, sleep, Work