29 June, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
10. I learned a lot about php, mysql, SEO, html, java, web design, social networking, webtraffic, and a lot of other geeky stuff that’s come in handy in my job and in my personal life. Sometimes, just doing things is the best learning tool. 9. When my dad passed, a college friend of his emailed […]
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Tags: blog, blogger, conversations, diary, documentation, family, friends, good things, happy, history, journal, legacy, LEGO, log, me, people, ravennuke, wordpress
I stumbled on Austin Kleon’s list here. I’ll break down his list, and add in my own advice and support for each of them. After all, all advice is autobiographical and all I’m doing is stealing like an artist. A lot of these are already similar to a Hall’s Rule of Social Order, and some […]
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Tags: advice., ARTIST, Austin Kleon, create, creativity, life, list, people, quote, read, rules, steal, top 10, Work
People watching is completely and only acceptable when both the viewer and the viewee are in public spaces and real time. Any deviation from that is creepy. Clarification: there are some gray areas, like being seated at a restaurant. Sure, it’s public, but the seated area is more exclusive/private than open spaces. This leaves wiggle […]
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Tags: creep, creeper, people, social, staring, voyeur, watcher, watching
Here’s an example of one of my peers in my masters degree program. We have our first group assignment, and groups were chosen by the professor. Granted, there was some confusion on how to use the online system and communicate to multiple people, but this is the email she sends out… hello all I have […]
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Tags: communication, email, funny, people, random, school, stupid, wtf
15 November, 2010 (12:00) | |
By my 30th birthday, Friday, November 16th, 2012, I’d like to accomplish a few things. I got the idea to come up with the list from my friend, Ben, but I’m not ambitious enough to list 100 things in 1000 days. I was thinking about just doing “24 things in 24 months” but that makes […]
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Tags: 30, album, art, basement, bathroom, bike, birthday, books, cd, city, country, creative, DC, different, digital, Do, Fix, give, idea, Kallie, LEGO, list, music, original, people, pittsburgh, poem, professional, program, project, promotion, rrod, run, school, song, take, thinking, time, track, xbox
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No matter how smart you truly may be, chances are someone is passionate about how stupid you really are.
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Tags: opinions, over populated, people, rule, stupid