You may have noticed the new page – Words With Josh I play words with friends (a scrabble rip-off basically) with a few people on my iphone, and I wanted to wrap some intelligence around finding the optimal word based off what letters were already played. Now, I do not condone the act of cheating […]
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Tags: aid, anagram, cheat, code, game, hangman, ipad, iphone, josh, letter, letters, mobile, mysql, PHP, puzzle, reference, scrabble, solution, solve, solver, tool, wheel of fortune, word, words, words with friends, words with josh
Here’s an update on some Hill District projects: YMCA: This is going in 2 blocks from my house on Centre Avenue. It is currently slated for an early 2012 completion. Should be awesome to have an indoor basketball court and pool so close! Also, it’ll be one of the city’s largest green certified buildings. Post-Gazette […]
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Tags: basketball, Centre Avenue, certified, civic arena, Connelley, Consol Energy, consol energy center, duquesne, green, hill, hill district, Hill House Association, home, house, leed, Mellon Arena, money, One Hill Coalition, paul mccartney, penguins, pharmacy, PHP, Pitt, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Green Innovators, school, shop 'n save, washington, Work, ymca
I am officially converted over to wordpress 3.0 now. The old site is still operational at, but wordpress is handling all the traffic by default now. I’ll work on getting polls back up and the download section converted. I’m a little sad to see the statistics reset…but what are ya going to do? If […]
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Tags: conversion, nuke, PHP, phpnuke, ravennuke, sad, script, SQL, wordpress, Work
Comments: 4, 1,980 views
I’ve taken a few pictures of the sti(c)kman. I first saw him in Philly with Kallie. Then down in DC, and I think I saw him somewhere in pittsburgh too. I recently came across a similar work of graffiti art called the "Toynbee tiles". I vaguely remember seeing something on the street at the corner […]
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Tags: art, graffiti, Kallie, movie, philly, PHP, pittsburgh, street, Work
Comments: 1, 1,897 views
So, I’m going to leave the phpnuke system and convert from ravennuke to wordpress. I’ve had this blog running on phpnuke for a long time, and I loved having the flexibility of editing the code and writing my own modules and having a very full featured site, but I think it’s time to shave it […]
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Tags: code, convert, demo site, featured site, PHP, php nuke, php scripts, phpnuke, raven, ravennuke, wordpress
It’s been a while since I’ve put up a post in the "memories" category. I was thinking about times I’ve almost died. There aren’t many, I think, but still something worth sharing. When I was in high school, I dug up my Uncle Jay’s 250 watt 15" Pevey bass amp from my dad’s barn. The funny thing about […]
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Tags: dad, funny, memories, metal chair, PHP, school, Work
Comments: 2, 3,138 views