One of my favorite things in industrial and functional art is efficient use of space. People design their furniture and living spaces to make life work well in small places. This ins’t your feng shui movement/placement, this is getting the best use out of space. I’ve seen hgtv shows where couples fit everything they own, […]
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Tags: art, books, efficient, hidden, home, house, Kallie, living, people, PHP, shelf, shelves, space, stairs, storage, Work
So I activated a feature of the blog for smart phone browsing. It’s an extremely limited version of the site that only has the last 10 or so posts, but it’s only text based so you can read it on mobile devices easily. I’ll probably create a nifty URL like or /iphone in a […]
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Tags: create, home, iphone, mobile devices, PHP, smart phone
6 December, 2008 (22:43) | News |
So I’m playing with my new iphone, and I’m fascinated by all the possibilities. I’ll be sure to tell you about productivity enhancers later. For now, I want to share a little app I found called Fstream (direct link to app store download page here). There are other music apps that cost money to use, like simplify […]
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Tags: iphone, money, music, PHP, tuner internet radio
Legend of the Green Dragon is a text based RPG (Role-Playing Game). All you need to play is a web browser, an internet connection, and a sense of humor and imagination. I’ve hosted this game before and had 1500+ players from around the world. I stepped away from the game for personal reasons almost 2 […]
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Tags: game, internet connection, PHP, play, RPG, web browser
Took me a while to convert reading a text file to reading from the database, but the highscores for all the games are now fixed! Tetris, Packman, Snake, and Space Invaders are all keeping high scores now!
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Tags: game, PHP
So, one of my life long goals is to build a house that i design. I have a bunch of weird/unique ideas that i’d like to incoporate into the house, so i thought i’d post some of them here when i get them. Welcome the house category. One day, i’ll get some sketches down/scanned and […]
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Tags: house, ideas, money, PHP