Did you know that there is a wooden street in pittsburgh? Roslyn Place in Shadyside is the only one. It’s hard to tell from the google street view, but you can certainly see the color. Here‘s an article on the history, or really, lack of historical knowledge. It’s a historic landmark though, so it will […]
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Tags: brick chip, mining, pittsburgh
you know, I should really make an effort to make personal updates what I have something to say instead of these dull posts that just fade into archives and the history of me never to be read again, as if they were a polaroid photo where everyone has red eye… anyway. Drove out to delaware […]
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Tags: friends, house, Kallie, new york, people, philly, pittsburgh, serah, Work
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The Pittsburgh housing authority has approved a sale of land to Pitt for new athletic facilities. The property is right next to the Oak Hill apartments. The land left over will be sold to Beacon developers to more than double the number of housing units of Oak Hill. This is great stuff for 2 reasons. […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, hill district, Oak Hill, Oakland, pittsburgh
Pittsburgh got a nice little write-up in the New York Times. They got pretty nitty-gritty too, when i saw the mattress factory, I knew we we’re dealing with the average tourist here. Looks like someone stopped to appreciate the underground and artsy side of the burgh without getting caught up in mass-consumer tourism guides. This […]
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Tags: new york, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Times, the New York Times, travel
Next time you’re with a friend on top of Mount Washington looking down at the fountain at point state park, ask them how many rivers there are. If they’re completely clueless of pittsburgh’s history, I could see someone saying just 2, assuming that either the mon or the allegheny river just flow into the other. […]
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Tags: code, Mount Washington, pittsburgh, washington
So I had a dream last night where I rode my guitar case all the way from pittsburgh to my mom’s house. The case had 4 wheels on the bottom of it and it stool vertically, and I sat where the handle would be. I was just kicking off the ground for momentum. The dream […]
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Tags: guitar, home, house, mom, pittsburgh, song