What the heck is up with Don Barden? This guy is probably the worst business man I’ve ever read stories about. He didn’t want to play ball with the penguins when he first got the license, then he didn’t want to play ball with the steelers and pirates, then he didnt want to play ball […]
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Tags: Don Barden, friends, hill district, pittsburgh, play, worst business man
When Steely McBeam was first announced as the new Pittsburgh Steelers mascot, he was meant with some resistance. Perhaps his latest DUI is just a sign of dedication to how he fits in our city’s social atmosphere. He likes to drink just like us! I’ve always said, "Pittsburgh is a drinking town with a football […]
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Tags: home, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Steelers
They imploded the old St. Francis hospital today across Centre Avenue from the Mellon Arena to make room for the new arena being built for the Pittsburgh Penguins. They had failed to pull it down a few weeks ago, so they just blew it up. I’m happy they did.
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Tags: Centre Avenue, happy, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins, St Francis hospital They, St. Francis hospital
they’re going to blow up the old St. Francis hospital across the street from the Mellon Arena next Saturday. YAY! I don’t know if you’ll be able to hear or feel the explosion from my house, but I’ll definitely get as close as possible to see it happen. That will be a fun thing for […]
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Tags: house, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh, St. Francis hospital
I’m sick. started witha sore throat on thursday, and it’s worked it’s way all over my sinuses and body since. I made it out to philly for the craft brew fest, (affectionately refered to as the philly beer fest) and had a total blast. I’ll post some pictures soon. I’ve got a guy from the Netherlands […]
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Tags: philly, pittsburgh, The Netherlands, United States, Work
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Paul Mawhinney’s obsession grew into the 3 million records that now fill the Record Rama archives in Ross (North Hills). He’s starting the bidding at 3 million dollars. Each row of records is longer than a bowling lane. He’s got rare elvis, rolling stone, and led zepplin records. What sets him apart is that he’s […]
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Tags: cleveland, Paul Mawhinney, pittsburgh, Work