I’m going to put it out there because it’s true. I want to write a novel. I have tons of ideas written down on note pads for stories and characters, but never really get beyond that step. I’d love to write something like Palahniuk. If worse comes to worse, I had an idea for a […]
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Tags: Heinz Field, ideas, localeyes.com, localize.com, love, music, pittsburgh, pittsburgh.localeyes.com
So I subscribed to the Pittsburgh Penguins student rush text messages and every day there is a home game, they’ll text message you with how many tickets are available and any special offers there are for the game. Here’s an average message: "PENS STUDENT RUSH: Pens vs Lightning 2nite @ 7:30. A limited number of […]
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Tags: game, home, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins, term bobble head
I walked over to the North Side yesterday to play basketball at the Allegheny Center Alliance Church and I walked through the Allegheny Center mall…That place is like walking through the set of 28 days later. There’s no one there. Stores are empty. THIS IS A MALL. I felt like I was walking through some sort […]
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Tags: Allegheny Center Alliance Church, Allegheny Center mall, basketball, Carnegie Free Library, church, Don Barden, Heinz Field, pittsburgh, play, PNC park, THIS IS A MALL, venue/entertainment complex, west coast, Work
Comments: 1, 9,510 views
Remember when the residents of Pittsburgh’s Hill District burned their own homes and community to the ground in the 60s? I wasn’t there to remember it, but the people who burned the Luke Ravenstahl’s proposed plan for redevelopment were, but it seems like forgot. These people are going ego-tripping, power-hungry, and ostentacious. They’re stuck on […]
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Tags: hill district, One Hill Group, people, pittsburgh, Tonya Payne
What the heck is up with all the bank robberies in the pittsburgh area recently?!?! HOLY CRAP. I think since they filmed that FX movie with Donny Wahlberg about a bank robbery in the city, there have been nearly a dozen. It’s ridiculous. You’d think after the first couple that other banks would be thinking, "hmmm, […]
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Tags: bank, bank robberies, bank robbery, Donny Wahlberg, movie, people, pittsburgh
So I just made my blog georss compatible. Kinda geeky, but for every post, it will have a location signature to it, specifically, latitude and longitude. So if i write about a trip to Vegas, I can put in it’s location and RSS readers will know that it was about Vegas. The same goes for […]
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Tags: Outside.in, pittsburgh