The same person that wanted the Pittsburgh Penguins logo asked if I had anything for the pirates or the steelers. I mentioned the pirates mosaic and the steelers helmet in lego, but he wanted it in less than a week, and I wouldn’t be able to recreate either in that time. We settled for a […]
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Tags: art, football, LEGO, logo, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Steelers, steelers
Someone had found my previous version from a few years ago and asked if it was for sale. I tore it down shortly after it was built, but I said I could recreate it pretty easily. I fixed a lot of the problems the old one had, and ALMOST had its weight centered on that […]
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Tags: ARTIST, becauseitsthecup, brick, commission, go pens, hockey, LEGO, moc, nhl, penguins, pens, pgh, Pitt, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins, sculpture
Help. I’m registered to run the Pittsburgh marathon’s 5k this Saturday, May 4th for The L.I.V.I.N.G. Ministry. Fact is, I’m terribly out of shape. When I signed up, I didn’t know we’d be expecting another baby in November. I didn’t know we would be moving into a new house. I didn’t know we’d be getting […]
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Tags: 5k, living ministry, pittsburgh, race, sponsor
I’m a part of Steel City LUG, and we’re displaying at LEGO KidsFest this weekend, so I wanted to put together something special for it. I was imbued by the Batman/Joker of Arthur Gugick, who was inspired by Christopher Doyle’s Dorian Bley. I originally had a different idea, but it was my wife that came up […]
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Tags: art, harry potter, hp, kids, kidsfest, LEGO, lenticular, lug, mosaic, pittsburgh, steel city lug, voldemort
Comments: 1, 3,414 views
Looks like the Hill’s grocery store is finally financially stable enough to move forward and be completed by late spring or early summer, but we’ve been told that before. Also in the article is an announcement for new apartments and retail 1 block away from me. Good news! – If you are curious what […]
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Tags: bedford, centre ave, city, development, hill district, master plan, mountain, penguins, pittsburgh, residential, view
23 August, 2012 (12:00) | Top 10 |
There’s no playing until the clock stops. The clock at the end of the game just expires if the leader has possession, and I’ve seen games where there’s like 20 seconds left and all the players and coaches are already celebrating on the field. It’s unsportsmanlike. There’s wasted real time. Change your lines. Get set […]
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Tags: boring, entertainment, football, futbol, game, hype, industry, money, pittsburgh, racket, soccer, sport, steelers, super bowl, tights, tv
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