I once set out to create a model of Pittsburgh out of bricks. It didn’t turn out well. Scale is a hard thing to maintain when constricted to the shapes of LEGO bricks. So, the mini-series was born. As I’m inspired, or as requested, I’ll set out to recreate individual buildings and landmarks. Here’s what […]
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Tags: arena, art, block, brick, bricks, buildings, cathedral, cathedral of learning, civic, creation, LEGO, mellon, mini, model, Pitt, pittsburgh, recreation, scale, series, tower, university, us steel tower
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I’m sure you probably heard by now, but Pittsburgh was ranked on of the best places of the world by National Geographic. I, too, am a little skeptic and possibly embarrassed. Sonoma Valley, Ca was the only other US location selected. I mean, Pittsburgh’s great n’@, but I don’t think it’s worthy of the 7 […]
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Tags: California, city, makeover, n'@, national geographic, pittsburgh, sonoma, steel city, tour, travel, trip, visit, world
Starting Monday, the SEA is free to demolish the old Mellon Arena. I guess it’s more like taking it apart piece by piece. They have to remove all the tiles from the roof to get to the asbestos first. I bet it’s going to look pretty gnarly for a while. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11267/1177238-53.stm
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Tags: Centre Avenue, civic arena, hill district, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh
Here’s some interesting past and present pictures of the Hill District. I can’t even imagine the Hill District being as lively as it used to be. So many buildings and businesses and people. It seems like it truly was connected to the hustle and bustle of downtown at one time. http://multimedia.post-gazette.com/ThenNow/Hill/Center/default.asp http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11226/1166781-53.stm
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Tags: centre ave, city, future, granada, hill, hill district, life, past, photo, pittsburgh, present, time
If you’re in Pittsburgh this weekend, make sure you check out the Three Rivers Regatta! The Regatta is always a blast and this year there’s a huge sand sculpture! of course there are fireworks. There are always fireworks in Pittsburgh. http://www.flickr.com/photos/divinehammer42
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Tags: 2011, eqt, fireworks, july, pittsburgh, point, regatta, sand castle, sandcastle, three rivers
a nice write up in the Wall Street Journal on how houses in the Pittsburgh area keep increasing in value even through the housing bubble pop. It even goes into some specific houses and neighborhoods around the city. It’s a great place and time to buy… *cough* *cough* http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303657404576363150295506130.html?mod=WSJ_RealEstate_LeftTopNews
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Tags: buy, hill district, homes, houses, journal, Pitt, pittsburgh, realestate, wall street
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