The hill district has the first-in-the-nation off-campus university-run community pharmacy! If you remember back with all the grocery store talks, Kuhn’s was supposed to build a full service store with a pharmacy in it, but now that they backed up, Duquesnse University stepped up and built one. I’m excited to see the relationship with the […]
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Tags: community, duquesne, grocery, hill district, news, pharmacy, pittsburgh
Carnegie Mellon architecture students put together a huge study an redesign of Pittsburgh’s urban landscaping and planning. One idea included a ski lift like cable car that would go from the top of the civic arena area down to the David Lawrence Convention center (page 103 of the report). Some other ideas included a water […]
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Tags: civic arena, cmu, college, convention center, downtown, idea, igloo, Mellon Arena, park, pittsburgh, plan, project, student, study, ura
There’s a new webisode (online episodes) called footnote, and the first episode features how people live in community and interact with one another. Pittsburgh was chosen, and it’s a pretty cool picture of some of the more unique groups in the city. (features some friends as well) You’ll have to follow the link to watch […]
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Tags: Faith, feature, God, in the blood, indie, pittsburgh, southside, tattoo, tv
Pittsburgh Housing Authority announced their plan to demolish Addison Terrace in the Hill District. If this goes through, it will only leave the Bedford Dwellings as the last remaining barracks style housing projects in the Hill District. For those of you not familiar with the Hill but hear about shootings and crime, 99.9% of all […]
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Tags: building, contruction, ghetto, hill, hill district, home, mixed income, Pitt, pittsburgh, projects, redevelopment, section 8, the hill
15 November, 2010 (12:00) | |
By my 30th birthday, Friday, November 16th, 2012, I’d like to accomplish a few things. I got the idea to come up with the list from my friend, Ben, but I’m not ambitious enough to list 100 things in 1000 days. I was thinking about just doing “24 things in 24 months” but that makes […]
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Tags: 30, album, art, basement, bathroom, bike, birthday, books, cd, city, country, creative, DC, different, digital, Do, Fix, give, idea, Kallie, LEGO, list, music, original, people, pittsburgh, poem, professional, program, project, promotion, rrod, run, school, song, take, thinking, time, track, xbox
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When you use google earth, the red dot indicating the Hill District is on my house. Weird. How appropriate that I’m the ambassador now. 🙂
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Tags: ambassador, Centre Avenue, hill, hill district, pittsburgh