I love to look at her. She has no idea I love her. She’s just thinking about that blue duplo brick in her hand. That’s my daughter playing over there. She’s very curious. I’m entertained at her furrowed brow. Then, she locks eyes with me and smiles. What a bug.
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Tags: daughter, duplo, juliette, love, play, the bug
I’m sorry, Dad. There’s going to be a lot of things I should apologize to my dad for. this will be the first one, that I’ve at least fully realized anyway. Growing up, he had guitars that would just sit in cases and he’d never play them. Once I got out on my own, I […]
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Tags: dad, guitar, importance, kid, music, play, practice, priorities, rock
My brother in law decided to make me sad about my cubicle farm job and show me what LEGO Headquarters looks like. It’s beautiful. I can just imagine how energetic everyone feels and how much they love their work place. http://www.dezeen.com/2012/01/31/lego-pmd-by-rosan-bosch-and-rune-fjord/
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Tags: architect, creative, denmark, dream, employees, fun, head quarters, headquarters, hq, inspiration, inspirational, inspire, job, LEGO, office, play, slide, Work
#84 – Life is defined by maintenance. All you do in life is try to maintain it. You eat for energy to do it again. you sleep to do it again. You work to pay for it again. You do more or something new to make you happy…again. Life becomes a huge cycle of maintenance. […]
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Tags: bills, eat, enegery, food, happiness, life, live, maintain, maintenance, pay, play, sleep, stuff, Work
Modeling isn’t a career. Neither is DJ’ing. I’m sure you can think of a bunch of others that fall into this category. By definition, “career” means “an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed by one’s life work.” There’s a reason for the existence of the expression “don’t quit your day job.” Ultimately, […]
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Tags: band, career, DJ, dream, job, mature, model, musician, normal, party, play, responsibility, society, success, waiter, waitress, Work
acoustic guitar and electric guitar are not genres of music you can play. Meaning, don’t ask me if I play acoustic or electric guitar. That’s like asking me whether mac is better than dell. The confusion that emits from those makes a response impossible.
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Tags: acoustic, better, dell, electric, guitar, instrument, mac, music, play, question, rock star, sound, wood
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