9 September, 2011 (12:00) | Dreams |
I’m starting to question memory in dreams. In some of my more recent dreams, the feeling of being familiar with the dream happens. Does this mean that I really did dream about that dream before, or is it all part of the fantasy and illusions in dreams? Recently, I’ve had dreams that I’m in a […]
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Tags: Alzheimer, dance, dream, dreams, fake, high school, lucid, memories, memory, musical, past, performance, play, real, remember, vivid
Kallie’s cousin, Julia, works at the Steppenwolf Theatre, and while we were in town, she hooked us up with tickets to see Detroit, by Lisa D’Amour. First off, Kallie and I had never heard of the theatre, let alone the play. Maybe it’s because we’re not from Chicago, or maybe it’s because we are uncultured […]
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Tags: chicago, culture, detroit, gary sinese, neanderthals, play, review, second city, steppenwolf, theatre
I’ve been meaning to post a review of Joy Ike‘s new Album, Rumors, but I’m just getting around to it now. If you’re already a fan, this album reminds you why. If you’re not a fan yet, here’s a review through bias eyes and an unprofessional (and unapproved) opinion. In retrospect, Joy’s first album, Good […]
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Tags: album, cd, Faith, good morning, joy, joy ike, lilith fair, music, people, pittsburgh, play, review, rumors, sarah mclachlan, thoughts
So, I’m trying to transition over to itunes (version 9) after being a hardcore winamp user since the late 90s. Winamp’s keyboard shortcuts are the cat’s pajamas though, and I’m missing them tremendously. Specifically, the shortcut to jump to a song. Hit "J" and just start typing in a title or band and it dynamically […]
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Tags: basketball, iphone, Jordan, michael jordan, play, song
Although there are famous people that play World of Warcraft, people that play World of Warcraft do not then become famous. By famous, I mean known for things outside of World of Warcraft that do not include their raid in Azeroth.
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Tags: celebrity, famous, mmorpg, monthly fees, people, play, role playing, world of warcraft
Do you want to go to the Carnegie Museum of Art or Carnegie Museum of Natural History? Want 2 free tickets from me? If so, read further. Here’s how we’ll play this. Tell me the activity you are most excited to do this year in or around Pittsburgh this year and why. If you post […]
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Tags: art, Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Natural History, pittsburgh, play
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