Watching J’aime’s kids the other day, gave me an idea. I call it KidCom. It’s a device, much like a watch, that your kids wear. In it’s simplest form, it just has the time on it and you can set alarms on it that say things like "1 hours before Daddy gets home", or "it’s […]
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Tags: GPS, happy, home, LEGO, play, web interface
Sitting around a friend’s house Saturday, Nick, Andy, and I had a fleeting idea for a new business. We’ll call it Retro’s. It’s a store where they have every video game console available for you to play. You’d have to have the systems behind a case, and only employees are allowed to handle them. Patrons […]
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Tags: business, console, game, games, house, membership, Nintendo, play, retro, video games, Work
Updates have been few and far between around here! I can’t remember the last time I did a personal update, but i don’t think it’s been this year! I was trying to make an update at least once a month before. Let me see what I can recap for you… The wedding plans go well. […]
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Tags: art, Ben Beitzel, California, car couple, christ, code, Deirdre, easter, family, Greek Easter, house, Kallie, LEGO, love, music, Nathan Sawaya, P90x, people, play, Sacramento, Work
In a world where everything is consumer driven and made for a 24/7 commercial world, we’ve seen on demand movie rentals, personal television recorders, skipping commercials, and even regular content available for free on the internet. We’re perpetually tailoring services to meet the demand of a growing need for customization. Recently, a bunch of my […]
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Tags: friends, home, movie, people, play
Note to self – Call off work the month of December. You will not be able to get anyone to do any work, even if they are in the office, so just avoid the frustration completely. That’s basically how I feel right now. I had my first project fail last Saturday, and now I have to […]
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Tags: Bloomfield Bridge Tavern, Christmas, ESB, family, friends, home, Jordan, Kallie, Keren, Lake Tahoe, left hand, mom, New Year's Day, Palo Alto, philly, play, San Francisco, Work
I have 2 favorite smells. fragrant tobacco from a pipe and concrete. Concrete reminds me of my childhood. Not only was there a lot of concrete pouring going on around the house as I was a kid, but my dad and I used to go watch people make roads. I love that smell. I also, […]
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Tags: dad, house, love, people, play