I guess it’s time for one of these. I didn’t post anything in may, so let’s see… New job…is rough at times. No the work itself, but the people I work with. There’s some serious tension in the group, and I don’t see it getting any better until *something* gives. It’s a little ridiculous and […]
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Tags: chicago, Chris, Chris Olivieri, friends, geek, money, music, new york, Oakland, people, play, Work
Comments: 1, 5,435 views
What the heck is up with Don Barden? This guy is probably the worst business man I’ve ever read stories about. He didn’t want to play ball with the penguins when he first got the license, then he didn’t want to play ball with the steelers and pirates, then he didnt want to play ball […]
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Tags: Don Barden, friends, hill district, pittsburgh, play, worst business man
I’ve been sending a lot of emails recently. A lot of them to high profile people, and I have been taking time to review my wording, tone, and content. Holy Fluff. I’ve caught myself saying "check and see" when that can sure be consolidated. I’ve deleted HUNDREDS of "that"s out of my sentences. I’ve given […]
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Tags: Alaska, people, play
Comments: 2, 3,152 views
I want a big slide somewhere. In the house or outside, or both. Maybe one that goes from the top floor to the basement. I want a spiral staircase too. An elevator somewhere would be nice. not a big one, even just a one person closet type, but an elevator none the less. Secret passage […]
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Tags: house, play
Comments: 1, 3,362 views
I called off sick yesterday. Ended up spending a lot of the time on the phone with family drama. I’ll end there. Deirdre’s in tulsa, OK visiting a friend while she has a few days off between her play, Alice sit by the Fire. So i’ve been home alone with the 3 legged cat. I’m […]
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Tags: Deirdre, family, home, Jordan, music, play, sound equipment, tulsa, Work
11 February, 2008 (00:05) | Top 10 |
Through my childhood, throw my teenage years, through my adulthood, and hopefully continuing through my life, I’ve had the privilege of having some amazing women play a part in my life. I won’t rank them, because they all are very important to me, each for their own reason. Mrs. Sofran – My kindergarten teacher. She […]
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Tags: Deirdre, energy, first psychiatrist/counselor, Hall, home, Italy, Keren, kindergarten teacher, mom, play, school, Sepesy, serah, Sofran