21 February, 2007 (19:44) | Dreams |
haha, i’m still laughing at this one. Just woke up and this dream put me in a good mood. so for some reason, we’re going to have a family get together at one of the new casinos out is philadelphia. Not just my immediate family, but aunts and uncles and such too. I have no […]
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Tags: Adam, family, funny, game, Jay, Josh Hall, magician, mom, people, play, waitress
Comments: 4, 4,441 views
GAD! I’m broken. Andrew Bonnell emailed me friday and asked if i’d play basketball for his church league on saturday, and i was excited to accept. I haven’t played for so long, but i was making shots in warm up, i started, made a few points, some good plays, but i wasn’t “in the zone” […]
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Tags: basketball, church, funny, house, PHP, play, school, Work
Comments: 6, 2,968 views
I want to post an update, but i’m kinda at a loss. I’ll just ramble. Christmas was fun, i was back at my mom’s a lot spending time with the family. got my cousin’s old golf clubs, thinking about trying to learn. feeling very sluggish recently. i want to work out for muscle this year, […]
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Tags: car transmission, Christmas, dallas, family, game, mom, play, school, Travis, Work
Nearing the end of august, and i’ve got a lot on my plate. Big surprise there. Majorly back-logged with code work needed in the dragon game. It certainly isn’t a burden though. I find the game extremely rewarding. Having som many interesting people, from all over the world playing, seeing how they all interact, being […]
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Tags: bank, blah, Chris, code, dad, Deirdre, game, home, house, Keren, love, Maryland, mom, money, Penn, people, play, school, teacher, Work
with last night’s dream of my dad and the reoccurence of such dreams, along with a few recent dreams taking place at work, I’m thinking about what the unleashed and undirtied mind dreams about. Meaning, these are things that are in my life, about things that are happenning right now. I almost grow frustrated that […]
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Tags: dad, dreams, love, play, Work
it’s 5 am, and i am just going to bed. Got a lot to do today. clean the apartment, eye doctor’s, going to a Who – Tommy broadway thing with adam, and i gotta pack for yankanuck. leaving 6am saturday and going up to canada for a week. should be lots of fun. i am […]
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Tags: Adam, Canada, code, dreams, guitar, Keren, people, play, yankanuck
Comments: 8, 2,984 views