the first time we danced, we both were romanced. oh, the future we could have. And when I told you, “Darling, I love you” That’s the first time it went bad. It was too much, too soon. I claim insanity under the moon. How I long for just another chance. But you’re once, […]
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Tags: dance, john mayer, lady, once, poem, romance, song, three times, twice
I’m not looking for definition. I’m just longing for recognition That you define our position In our relationship expedition. But in addition, Don’t be victim of attrition. Use your heart and tool of erudition. And do this in your own volition. I can’t really speak for tradition And I do not call myself a statistician, […]
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Tags: definition, poem, relationships, say, shun, tion, words
I’m a mile away from your bedroom door I wanted to get close, but I can’t go anymore There’s caution tape around the 1 mile radius of the crash site that claimed the life of one of us How vividly I can remember the events of that day And I thought that we both escaped […]
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Tags: car, crash, die, driving, girl, kill, love, Man, poem, wreck
I’m hugging a pillow But I wish I had my arms around you The road winds around a mountain And I enjoy the never-ending view The farthest peak seems so far But you’re beyond them still And if I could drive that distance, I would But a car will never get me there I’m listening […]
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Tags: dreams, going nowhere fast, love, poem, road trip, seat belt
A soldier marches into war for someone’s future, But he has no guarantee of his own. A soldier will give up his own life and chance to live it, To save everyone he loves back home. The collective sacrifice of these mostly youthful lives, Makes you wonder how much progress we make when one dies. […]
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Tags: consquences, hatred, killing, love, Man, peace, perception, poem, real, war
The naked trees wave white plastic bags Like wounded soldiers waving surrender flags Sirens scream from the project heights Homeless were once suburbanites Multiple stab wound lies on the street While the starving steal the shoes from his feet Where the in want out, and the out want in Where lives end, and business negotiations […]
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Tags: city, danger, hill, homeless, murder, poem, projects