What is the most important world cause? Where do your priorities lie? Frame the question in the sense of if you had 1 chance to erradicate one of the items forever, which would it be?
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Tags: aids, charity, donate, food, give, government, help, hiv, homeless, injustice, jobless, money, political, politics, shelter, time
“The beginning of any society is never charming or gentle.” -Ruth in The Last Man on Earth
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Tags: beginning, change, country, egypt, nation, occupy, politial, politics, revolution, society, violence, wall street
24 February, 2011 (10:08) | News |
There are some crazy things going on in Montana politics right now. Something about tea party, republicans, blah blah blah. here are just a few: 1. Legalize hunting with hand-thrown spear (Senate Bill 112) 2. Create fully-armed militia in every town (House Bill 278) 3. Allow legislators to carry weapons in the Capitol (Senate Bill […]
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Tags: law, montana, politics, ridiculous, seriously, tea party, vote, wtf
Comments: 1, 1,780 views
I’m going to try to avoid offending anyone here. Know that I’m expressing my thoughts, not my rules. This is an idea that I’ve always struggled with, not something that I’m upset with others for doing. I don’t really value food. I define food as the most basic substance that we require to survive. That’s […]
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Tags: bible, cooking, earthen vessels, eating, food, jars of clay, nutrition, politics, temporary
Comments: 1, 1,739 views
Political opinions are like butt holes; Everyone has one and they all stink. To extend the analogy, they should not be revealed in public places. To extend it even further, possibly into metaphor, If you are so emotional about your political opinion and it’s all you really think about, perhaps your head is a little […]
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Tags: annoying, opinions, politics, polydicks, polytricks, rant, soap box
You know I don’t do the political rant thing often. I always have my ear against the door, but barely ever do I walk into that chaos on the other side. The past week has been too much for me, and I’m falling in. I’m interested from a banking/economy, a current government side, as well […]
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Tags: bank, banking, Bush, CEO, Charles Schumer, CNN, Current Government, DC, family, Forbes.com, Goldman Sachs, Henry Paulson, home, John McCain, Katie Couric, last and largest investment banks, Lehman, money, Morgan Stanley, new york, people, politics, president, rant, the Colbert Report, Treasury spokeswoman, US Federal Reserve, Work