How do you feel about thank you cards? We’ve certainly started to use technology in a lot of new ways, but thank you cards are still the same old tradition that our grandmother’s did when they were our age. Is that a good thing?
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Tags: archaic, card, culture, customary, expectations, gift, hand written, normal, peer pressure, poll, postage, question, stamps, stress, technology, Thank you, thank you card, thanks, wedding
It’s my birthday. I’m 29. One more year to work on my 30×5 list. I’m curious though, perhaps drawn by being egocentric or even a low-self esteem, how am I doing in life? Here’s a chance to give me an anonymous pulse check about who I am and maybe even ways to improve. I certainly […]
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Tags: 30x5, birthday, goals, identity, impression, judge, judgment, opinion, personal, personality, poll, view, who am i
How important are expiration dates to you? They’re intended to protect consumers from health risks, but also maintain quality of the product. I almost think that not following dates becomes more wasteful of your time since you’re constantly evaluating the quality or the “edible level” rather than just drawing the line and moving on. Efficiency […]
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Tags: approval, bad, best by, dairy, date, decision, eggs, expiration date, expire, expired, fda, food, meat, milk, observation, poll, question, sell by, sick, sour, suggestion, use by
I’m not sure there’s a global norm or scientist/hygiene recommended expiration date on sheets. There especially confusion (for me, at least) around sheets in the guest room. Do you only put on the sheets when they arrive? How long can you leave the sheets on there before someone uses them or they need to be […]
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Tags: bed, blanket, clean, health, pillow, poll, questions, rest, sheets, sleep, social norms, wash
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I was driving in the car the other day and I heard a commercial for HD radio. I remember hearing about these things years ago and thought for sure they’d go the way of the Betamax. why would anyone want HD radio? What’s wrong with normal radio? Why are all these “extra stations” not on […]
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Tags: am, antenna, car, digital, fm, hd radio, poll, radio, road trip, stereo, xm, xmradio
Which would you rather be? Extremely cold or extremely hot? I can’t stand the heat. I get sweaty, tired, and irritable. Also, when you’re hot, you can’t do much to cool down. When you’re cold, you can run around or something to get warm.
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Tags: air conditioning, burn, cold, freeze, hot, park, poll, sun, temperature, warm, weather