My friend Ashley used to be super politically active. Maybe she still is, not sure. Prior to the 2008 election though, she was working as a volunteer for Barak Obama’s campaign. He had a stop planned for somewhere in Ohio, perhaps Youngstown, and she wanted to go, but didn’t have a car. I had my […]
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Tags: ashley, barak, barak obama, book, campaign, college, obama, ohio, president, trip
Barack Obama is left handed. He’s beleived to be only the 8th president to be a south paw. To think, nuns used to slap our wrists if we didn’t use our right hands! Sinistre forever!
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Tags: Barack Obama, president
From news release: "The Bank of New York Mellon has announced that it will contribute $3 million over a six-year period to Pittsburgh’s Hill District community through Pennsylvania’s Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP). The program will focus on education, job training and community revitalization for residents of the Hill District, which is near the company’s downtown […]
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Tags: BNY Mellon, Carl Redwood, Centre Avenue, Chairman, Chairman of Pennsylvania, David Morehouse, Evan Frazier, hill district, Hill House Association, house, Luke Ravenstahl, Mayor, money, new york, NPP program administrator, One Hill Coalition, Pennsylvania, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh campus, Pittsburgh Penguins, president, president and CEO, social services, The Bank of New York Mellon, Vince Sands, Work
You know I don’t do the political rant thing often. I always have my ear against the door, but barely ever do I walk into that chaos on the other side. The past week has been too much for me, and I’m falling in. I’m interested from a banking/economy, a current government side, as well […]
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Tags: bank, banking, Bush, CEO, Charles Schumer, CNN, Current Government, DC, family,, Goldman Sachs, Henry Paulson, home, John McCain, Katie Couric, last and largest investment banks, Lehman, money, Morgan Stanley, new york, people, politics, president, rant, the Colbert Report, Treasury spokeswoman, US Federal Reserve, Work
I’ve been trying to stay away from all the internet rants and topics on the lack of adminstrative response to the situation down in new orleans. I can’t get past one thing though, that hasn’t really been commented on much. here we are, 2 weeks away from the 4 year aniversary of 9/11. A catostraphic […]
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Tags: new orleans, president
What do ronald reagon, george bush, and bill clinton have in common? Lots of stuff, but they all have middle names that correspond to former president’s lastnames. Ronald Wilson Reagon, George Washington Bush, William Jefferson Clinton. What the crap is that about? Who names their kids that without some hint that they will become president. […]
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Tags: George Washington Bush, president, Ronald Wilson Reagon, washington, William Jefferson Clinton
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