People’s willingness to pay a price defines market price, and that line is always being tested. This is probably more of an obvious one, but the social implications are severe, in my opinion. There are two evils at play here. The first, a common negotiation strategy is to ask for twice of what you really […]
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Tags: cost, dollar, economy, expensive, gas, greed, market, money, price, stock, value
There is a big difference between cost and worth and they should never be confused. Just because a shirt costs $990 does not mean it is worth $990, or anything near that! There are so many examples of materialism where people pay so much more than the practical value of an item. Even if […]
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Tags: amazon, best buy, cost, costco, dollar, insanity, item, market, money, price, ridiculous, sense, value, worth
28 June, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
There’s no delete key. There’s a backspace, to remove characters from right to left, but there’s no way to delete characters from left to right. Prices are ridiculous. Especially after they switched to Intel based hardware, prices should have dropped significantly. Their CD/DVD drives sound like death. All of them. WHY?!?!?! RRRRBBBBBRRRRZZZZRAREARE. Every time you […]
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Tags: apple, consumerism, free, gesture, hardware, imac, ipad, ipod, itunes, jobs, mac, macintosh, music, open source, price, product
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