If the royal family were to be outed tomorrow, for whatever reason, what would their last names be? As of 1917, it seems to be Mountbatten-Windsor, which is pretty much made up any way. Technically, any of them can chose whatever last name they want. King George V created the name in the first place. […]
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Tags: britain, diana, england, family, last names, London, monarchy, Mountbatten-Windsor, prince charles, prince henry, prince william, Queen, question, royal wedding, royalty, surname, uk, wales, windsor
hearing the talk about Queen Elizabeth being in Canada and then speaking at the United Nations made me remember the time I saw the Queen. In May of 2007, Keren was spending a semester in Italy, so the whole family decided to take a trip over to see her. While I was over there, I […]
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Tags: britain, Canada, daniel radcliffe, elizabeth, equus, family, Harry, harry potter, home, Italy, Keren, London, london eye, motorcade, naked, Queen, queen elizabeth, royal, united nations, Work
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This post is classified under "memories" for those facebook readers that don’t see categories. I wanted to write down my memory of the day I found out my brother had passed. Mom – be warned. Caleb and I slept in what would be called "Uncle Jay’s" room together when we lived at my Grandma’s house. […]
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Tags: dad, home, house, Jim Henson, memories, mom, people, Queen, school, song
So, I’m pulling out of Giant Eagle Market District in Shady Side, making a left onto Centre Avenue. A black prius is turning into the lot, and stops to let me get out onto the road first. A guy is loading groceries into his car across the street and there is an asian woman standing […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, christ, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Queen
Comments: 1, 3,281 views
7 November, 2007 (14:12) | Top 10 |
Most ridiculous British laws: 10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow 9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour 8. It is illegal to avoid telling the […]
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Tags: British coast, Christmas, christmas day, clerk, head, King, Liverpool, policeman, Queen, Scotland, Yahoo, York
well, its been a while. i was supposed to go to PSU this past weekend and help serah move her crap back home, but I ended up not going, and my mom and J’aime went out friday night and came back early saturday morning. fun fun. I regret not going though. Since i was home, […]
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Tags: Chris, family, game, guitar, head hunter, home, LEGO, mom, Queen, serah, sleep, yankanuck
Comments: 2, 2,669 views