It’s been long enough out of the original Napster era and RIAA filing extravaganzas that we can revisit this and see if there has been change. In fact, there’s probably even room to take it a step further away from even acquiring music at all. Some people may rely solely on places like, pandora, […]
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Tags: 99 cents, amazon, download, free, grooveshark, illegal, internet, ipod, itunes,, limewire, listen, MP3, music, napster, pandora, radio, riaa, sattelite, share, shawn fanning, sirius, store, xm, xmradio
I was driving in the car the other day and I heard a commercial for HD radio. I remember hearing about these things years ago and thought for sure they’d go the way of the Betamax. why would anyone want HD radio? What’s wrong with normal radio? Why are all these “extra stations” not on […]
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Tags: am, antenna, car, digital, fm, hd radio, poll, radio, road trip, stereo, xm, xmradio
the radio station is back up after being down for a while. you can access stations from the right drop down menu. Registered users get an extra one to listen to 😉
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Tags: radio